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Frankreich Europawahl Le Pen

Marine Le Pen's National Rally Wins French European Parliament Election

Far-Right Party Secures First Place in Exit Polls

Significant Victory for Anti-EU, Anti-Immigration Movement

In a stunning upset, Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN) party has emerged victorious in the European Parliament elections in France, exit polls show. With an estimated 315 of the vote, the far-right party has become the first French party to win a European election. This marks a significant triumph for Le Pen's anti-EU, anti-immigration movement and a blow to President Emmanuel Macron's centrist government.

Le Pen, a prominent figure in the European far-right, has long been a vocal critic of the European Union and has advocated for France's withdrawal from the bloc. Her victory is likely to embolden other far-right parties across Europe, who have been gaining ground in recent years amid growing discontent with the EU and its policies.

The outcome of the European elections in France is seen as a major setback for Macron, who had hoped to use the vote to strengthen his position in Europe. His centrist coalition, La République En Marche!, came in second with an estimated 22% of the vote, while other mainstream parties suffered significant losses.

The RN's victory is expected to have a profound impact on French politics, with Le Pen likely to use her newfound influence to push for a referendum on France's membership in the EU and to further tighten immigration restrictions. It also raises concerns about the rise of far-right extremism in Europe and its potential implications for the future of the European project.
